lab report

Thierno Diallo

ENG 21007

Lab report


Proposal to install an Id scanner and turnstile in all building entrance at City College if New York


The purpose of this experiment is to persuade the City College of New York to install an id scanner and turnstile to all building entrance and make student feel safer when they are in school. Also, to make easier for the public safety to control who is student, staff or visitor inside the school.


In this report, we learn how student feel about security during their time in school and if they would like the system to change. We also interview and security staff from another school that have id scanner and turnstile. Additionally, in this report, we will show how an id scanner can help the school to check the attendance without relying each time from a professor.

Experimental procedure

The process took two phases. The first one was to get the get information from different school that have turnstile and id scanner. We went two different school, borough of Manhattan community college and hunter college. At each school, we interviewed the public safety and some student about their experience with the security system in their school. We also got the information how the id scanner and turnstile work in those two different school. The second phase was to conduct a survey with student at city college. We created a google survey and we lunched it in the school social media where students and staff can get access it easily. The survey had four question asking about their feeling with the current system, about their security, how they will feel with an id scanner and turnstile.


After we interviewed the two different school, BMCC and hunter college, they all told us the same thing. The public safety told us that, with the id scanner and turnstile, it makes easier for them to control who is student or visitor. They told us also, with the id scanner, it helps them to know when a student id card is not working. The second phase, the survey, we asked them to rate the first question from 1to 5. One meaning worst and five the best. The next two question was yes or no. And the last question was very important, not important or I do not care response. We got thirty-five response from student and staff at CCNY. Here is the response we got from them.



The majority of the people that was surveyed feel that the school need to install an id scanner at all building entrance. They also think safety is very important to them. We think, considering this survey and response we got, the school should consider installing a turnstile in all building entrance.


In this lab report, we found most of people that are surveyed in this report that most of them would like the school to install an id scanner.

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